US Officials Tracking Influence Operations on Social Media from Russia, Iran


US Officials Tracking Influence Operations

on Social Media from Russia, Iran


By: Maggie Miller


Officials are currently tracking efforts by nations including Russia and Iran to influence Americans through social media platforms on issues including the 2020 election, a senior intelligence official told reporters on Monday.


The official said during a press conference that agencies are tracking efforts by Russia to “pit Americans against each other” through posting on social media, while China is using social media platforms to “influence the U.S. political environment.”


Iran is taking a similar approach to China, and is utilizing these sites to “promote pro-Iranian interests,” added the official, who talked to the media under the condition they not be identified.


The senior intelligence official spoke during an election security briefing for reporters, which took place on the heels of a week during which the U.S. Senate hotly debated this topic.


The official emphasized that these efforts are would “not necessarily affect a tally of a vote, but they might influence a voting population.”


The official also noted that while there is activity on social media, there has been no evidence of recent attempts by foreign governments to infiltrate or interfere in voting machines.


Read the full article on The Hill.


Source: DNI

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