Top counterterrorism official: U.S. must avoid returning to "pre-9/11 state"


Top counterterrorism official: U.S. must avoid returning to “pre-9/11 state”


By: CBS News

In an interview with Intelligence Matters host and CBS News senior national security contributor Michael Morell, Travers said he was in “complete agreement” with the country’s strategic shift, as described in the 2018 National Defense Strategy, from a focus on counterterrorism objectives to one on competition with Russia and China.

“We just need to be careful that we don’t take our eye off the ball when it comes to terrorism,” he told Morell. “We need to ensure that we don’t go too far and undermine our capabilities and put us back in kind of a pre-9/11 state.”
Travers pointed to the evolving threat from ISIS, which, since the collapse of its territorial caliphate earlier this year, has reconstituted a core group of leadership in other areas.


Read more at CBS News.


Source: DNI

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