Moderna to supply 20 mil. vaccines after video call between CEO and Pres. Moon Updated: 2020-12-29 13:24:07 KST
Moderna will be providing 40 million doses of its vaccine to South Korea which is enough for 20 million people. The deal was reached Monday evening, Korea time, during a…
Video series: New strategies address one of science’s greatest mysteries
Research News 36 NSF-funded research teams work to help reveal how neurons team up to produce thoughts and actions September 23, 2015 Your brain is the boss of you. It…
FDA Approves First Generic of Drug Used to Treat Severe Hypoglycemia | FDA News
For Immediate Release: December 28, 2020 Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first generic of glucagon for injection USP, 1 mg/vial packaged in an emergency kit, for…
What are the additional measures in Level 2.5 Social Distancing? Updated: 2020-12-28 17:06:14 KST
With the pandemic continuing to linger, South Korea has decided to maintain Level 2.5 distancing measures in the capital region. But, health authorities have announced some additional measures to help…
When Nature Strikes: Science of Natural Hazards
When Nature Strikes: Science of Natural Hazards The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Directorate for Geosciences has partnered with NBC Learn (the educational arm of NBC News) and the Weather Channel…
DAF looks to sponsor USSF members for Udacity Nanodegree
/ Published December 03, 2020 The U.S. Space Force Chief Technology and Innovation Office and the Department of the Air Force Digital University team are looking to sponsor USSF members,…
Capital area extends level 2.5 distancing until Jan. 3 Updated: 2020-12-27 13:47:10 KST
South Korea has decided not to raise the distancing level to its highest tier, level 3, at least for now. The capital will remain at level 2.5 until January 3rd,…
Relief funds in plan to help small business owners hit by pandemic in S. Korea Updated: 2020-12-27 16:09:55 KST
A new bill to be passed by South Korean lawmakers will give small business owners relief funds next month of between one and three million won each, depending on how…