What are the additional measures in Level 2.5 Social Distancing?
Updated: 2020-12-28 17:06:14 KST

With the pandemic continuing to linger, South Korea has decided to maintain Level 2.5 distancing measures in the capital region.
But, health authorities have announced some additional measures to help curb the spread of the virus.
Fast food restaurants can offer delivery or take-out only when customers order drinks or desserts.
Even at self-service cafes, customers are not allowed to sit in.
And, due to recent cluster infections, poker pubs are to close nationwide.
Amid controversy about a perceived reluctance to raise the social distancing level, experts offer different opinions on the matter.
An infectious disease expert says that the extension of the current level is not sufficient because if the situation continues, it will be tougher for the medical system to keep up.
Another view point is that, as the capital area has already applied special virus prevention measures, some which are even stronger than the highest distancing level, the country should slowly be able to manage the number of daily infections.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun on Monday said that the hospital bed shortage issue is improving.

“In the capital, as of yesterday, the number of people waiting over a day to be hospitalized is down to two digits. And, there are 80 more hospital beds available for the critically ill. The government will try to secure more beds and medical staff until the situation stabilizes.”

The country’s health authorities say the number of new daily cases has been on a downward trend since the 25th, but the situation still needs to be monitored carefully.
Jang Tae-hyun, Arirang News.

Reporter : tommyjang@arirang.com


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