Wearing face masks remains mandatory for all both indoors and outdoors, drinking at parks past 10 PM banned
				Updated: 2021-07-05 07:01:56 KST

Mandatory face mask wearing in the metropolitan area will return for all, both indoors and outdoors.
Previously, those who had received at least one vaccine shot were able to go mask-free when outside.
Plus, drinking at parks and riverside past 10 PM will be banned.

“The metropolitan government will activate and keep this system until the situation calms.”

The revisions were put in place as, for the past week new cases in the Seoul area have accounted for more than 80 percent of total cases and nearly half of those infected were people in their 20s and 30s.

Also, starting Monday, the nation will begin administering the Pfizer vaccine to 197-thousand senior citizens aged 60 to 74 who were eligible to get the AstraZeneca vaccine last month but couldn’t because of supply shortages.
The government will also be inoculating 110-thousand essential workers under the age of 30, including police officers, firefighters and military personnel who were supposed to be vaccinated within the second quarter of this year.
In addition, the country will “mix-and-match” vaccines, meaning those under 50 who got a first dose of AstraZeneca can get Pfizer as their second dose.
Also starting this month, people can make pre-reservations to receive leftover Pfizer vaccines just like AZ and Janssen jabs.
Kim Dami, Arirang News.


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