President Moon calls for speedy energy transition
Updated: 2020-11-03 14:44:17 KST

President Moon Jae-in says the world needs to respond the climate crises by moving toward carbon neutrality, and South Korea should be a part of this movement as a member of the global community.
Speaking in a Cabinet meeting Tuesday, he said the country needs to prepare calmly and with a cool head, making full-fledged efforts to reduce greenhouse gases.

I ask you to meticulously draw up a road map for the energy transition from fossil fuels to environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, and review plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In a budget speech at the National Assembly last week, Moon said that South Korea will work to be carbon neutral by 2050.
The President noted that it’s not an easy task, given the country’s heavily reliance on fossil fuels.
However, Moon said that it must be done in order to respond to climate change and maintain economic growth.

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