InfinityCapitalG Review 2021 | Why Should You Start Investing with This Broker? (

Trading has been the centre of the world’s financial system for all of recorded history. Forex Trading has become the centre of every innovative industry. Without trade, the world would not be where it is today. The most important factor in online trading is innovation. The methods and techniques for online trading have evolved over the years, and they are the primary driving force for all innovation. The reason why technology has evolved so quickly in the last century is that traders are always looking for the next big thing that will help them make substantial profits and expand their reach. For the 21st century, the industry-changing technology was the internet. At first, the internet was not considered an ideal network for trade considering it was barely available in a select number of countries and only a few people in these select regions had access to the internet. However, in the past decade, there has been an influx of internet users around the world, and this has launched the era of online platforms that have revolutionized the trading industry.

InfinityCapitalG Review 2021 | Why Should You Start Investing with This Broker? (

Today the most useful analytical tools any full-time trader can benefit from are online trading platforms. These trading platforms are designed to act as an intermediate system for traders who prefer using online brokerage firms to conduct their investments. Online trading is a lot better than other methods since this allows users to trade from anywhere in the world with internet accessibility.

When I first started trading a couple of years ago, I found it difficult to do it regularly due to a lack of standards for online trading platforms. This is why people should utilize trading platforms that have a reputation in the industry. When I was a beginner, there were barely any reviews, let alone descriptions of online trading platforms. Most firms only serviced high-profile clients and ignored the little guys.

I spent a good chunk of my early career searching for the right platform that would give me the best options and keep it fair among all of its clients. It wasn’t until I found InfinityCapitalG that I was finally able to settle and generate some revenue.

After spending some time on this platform, I realized that there are a few factors that made it the best option for my investments, and for the same reason I plan to remain a member of this broker for the long run. The factors that affected the usefulness of InfinityCapitalG are essential requirements that every trading platform should have. They are:

  • Security
  • Reliable Accessibility
  • Assets
  • Customer Care services
  • Transaction support


Trading platforms are designed to store and process sensitive data belonging to thousands of clients. Many high-end platforms only offer such security to their biggest traders and ignore the newcomers. This puts beginners at a huge disadvantage and makes them prone to data theft as a result. User data is extremely valuable, and hackers are continuously evolving and improving their skills which is why a trading firm has to invest in its own company to make sure it stays ahead of them. If a firm does not regularly update its security system for all of its clients, then it risks losing the data of these clients to potential hackers or other third parties.

From what I have found by reading all the security policies followed by InfinityCapitalG is that it does not differentiate when it comes to its customers. It uses the same technology for all of its customers and offers the same protection. It amazes me that their servers are constantly upgraded, and their software is also regularly updated to ensure maximum security for my data stored on their systems. As a newcomer, I had limited funds, and I couldn’t afford to lose my data to any hacker. This is one of the reasons why I prefer InfinityCapitalG for my forex trading ventures. I do not have to invest in security myself or pay for it separately instead I can just purchase an account on their platform, and I can rest assured that my data will always be safe.

I think that security is the most essential part of any system and any firm that compromises on security to attract more customers with low prices is not to be trusted. Low prices do not mean that you get the same features as everyone else. Take it from someone with experience, do not buy accounts just because they are cheaper. Check for the smallest details because they do make a difference.

Reliable Accessibility 

When I chose online platforms as my primary trading methods, then I wanted to be able to count on them every time I was using their services. When online trading was just beginning to make its mark in the world, it was very difficult for traders to trade using only online platforms because of reliability. This is because in the beginning trading platforms were designed to serve a specific region and not entirely different countries. However, as the technology progressed, a lot of platforms adapted and offered more connectivity. This still left many users unable to access their accounts from different countries due to a lack of servers.

When I signed up on InfinityCapitalG for the first time, it was a split-second decision. I was on my way to a different country and just needed a firm that I could easily deal with. I had no idea that it was supported in multiple regions apart from its home server. This is because InfinityCapitalG has servers placed in different regions around the world to ensure uninterrupted access to their customers since a significant portion was always on the move and relied heavily on cross-country support. I observed that while the trading platform still has many off regions; it is expanding and is expected to cover a majority of the world’s financial hubs.

Assets Collection

Assets are the fundamental feature of any trading platform. If you do not have access to assets in a trading platform then the word “trading” is being used incorrectly. Many platforms offer a lot of assets that can be traded to their respective clients, but only a few are known to give access to exclusive assets. These exclusive assets include the most in-demand asset in the world right now, and it is crypto.

When I created an account with InfinityCapitalG I was offered a wide range of Crypto, Forex, Commodities, Indices, and Stocks. With this variety, it becomes easier for me to stick with one platform rather than jumping from different brokers to get the asset I was looking for.

With this platform, I made sure that I had the convenience to start trading with them immediately and with proper guidance through my account manager. I have invested in many stocks and forex, e.g., AT&T, Walmart, Tesla, EUR/USD, USD/ZAR, etc. My trading experience was made simpler because of analytical charts and tools on the same page as the selected asset. It was convenient to invest in a proper asset with every information I could have expected to gain from InfinityCapitalG.

Then I started to develop my interest in Cryptocurrencies offered by the platform.

Cryptocurrencies have come a long way from being worthless to being one of the best-performing currencies in the marketplace. Crypto is poised to overtake the banking system as the primary transaction system in the world. The only downside to InfinityCapitalG’s crypto asset is that it does not include several crypto blockchains and is limited to a few currencies only. Hopefully, the crypto access will improve over time, but for now, this is still an amazing feature that is exclusive to many platforms. Apart from this, InfinityCapitalG also offers tradable assets such as Forex, indices, commodities, company stocks, and other country-based currencies.

Customer Care Services

Millions of trades occur every second online. In each of these trades, there is bound to be a simple issue that occurs, and, in such situations, a firm’s customer care service comes in handy. My trading ventures have always been time-dependent. I sometimes do not have time to work out the kinks of an issue myself, so I often reach out to the customer support team to solve my problems. A service team analyzes the issue and offers a viable solution that is workable for me.

I have encountered a significant issue when I was trading as a result of a glitch in my network connectivity. Long story short, I was able to stay clear of heavy losses because of the active support from the customer service team who worked quickly and resolved my issue. InfinityCapitalG showed me that I could always rely on their panel of experts to assist me if I ever get into trouble regarding my trading accounts. This is why I find it best for beginners since their support team is always active within trading hours to serve their clients.

 Transaction Support

I have always wanted to pick an online trading platform that has a well-developed transaction system intact. These systems are utilized to deposit funds into an account or withdraw it from an account. The process of transactions was made very convenient for me to choose when I wanted my earnings to be withdrawn either automatically or if I wanted to do it myself. The alternatives for transactions used by InfinityCapitalG are.

  • Maestro
  • Mastercard
  • Bank wire

InfinityCapitalG offers a limited number of options for transactions on its platform, which is a significant drawback. There are talks of adding more systems to allow access for people from around the world. Since the platform does not include PayPal, then I guess they should be working on it first. Other than that, my experience with Bank Wire and MasterCard has always been great. It is to be noted that the withdrawal speed depends on the account types that you are a member of. I have never had such issues with delays, so I give an extra point to InfinityCapitalG for that.

Closing Argument

Not every platform is flawless, but not every platform can offer a wide range of assets and services as this platform can. My experience with InfinityCapitalG has been beyond my expectations. All services have definitely improved over time, and there is more room for them to become a leader in the industry. Because of the services, active customer service, educated account manager, I plan to remain a member of this platform. I hope that with my review on InfinityCapitalG you were able to get some insight information on the broker and about trading in general as well.

Disclaimer: This review is written from my own experience and my self-knowledge only and this is not a recommendation.

Baron Shaw

By Baron Shaw

Baron Shaw is a technology nerd and an investment enthusiast. He loves exploring new investment opportunities through online platforms and cryptocurrencies. When he's not online, he's either reading books or traveling.

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