Principal Executive Hallman Panelist at AI Conference in Washington


Principal Executive Hallman Panelist at AI Conference in Washington


“Learning how to be fast followers and adopters takes a cultural shift,” said ODNI Principal Executive Andrew Hallman in his Nov. 5 opening comments at the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence panel, The Defense of a Nation: AI Leadership for the Future.

NSCAI organized the public conference at the Liaison Hotel in Washington, D.C., to spur discussion on its recently released, unclassified report Strength Through Innovation, which discusses the future of artificial intelligence technology applications for national security.

Addressing a packed room of over 250 academics, think tank staff, members of Congress and their staffs, and officials from the Intelligence Community and DoD, PE Hallman praised the report and noted how well it meshed with the 2018 ODNI strategy “Augmenting Intelligence Using Machines.”


He also discussed new solutions to the challenge of exploiting the ever-growing mountain of data the IC collects.


“Commercial-first approaches are fundamental,” said Hallman.


He envisioned that if the IC makes the right investments now, AI and related technologies will revolutionize every part of the intelligence mission: getting smarter about how the IC collects data; changing how the IC analyzes and synthesizes that data; and translating that data into knowledge and insight that produces better, more timely, and more effective intelligence to support our leaders in the military and policy communities.


Hallman spoke to some of the applications of AI and how the IC applies them, including:

  • Synthesizing data to react at machine speed and provide faster situational analysis to the case officer on the street;
  • Identifying patterns of relationships to aid in identity intelligence;
  • Detection and defense of influence operations; and
  • Responding in real time to cyber security threats.


Hallman said that in the longer term anticipatory intelligence might determine what generates instability and what unstable events will lead to true instability.


Source: DNI

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