On Wednesday July 29, the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division concluded its two-day virtual workshop on competition in the licensing of public performance rights in the music industry.

“I want to thank our panelists and keynote songwriters for participating in this important workshop on the ASCAP and BMI consent decrees,” said Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim.  “Watching and listening to them over the last two days, I was struck by how many talented people with very different backgrounds the workshop brought together.  Songwriters, lawyers, economists, and CEOs obviously have very different skill sets.  Yet all the participants were exceptional, talented, and insightful.”   

“This diverse representation underscores the free market principles that the Antitrust Division defends.  The ability to succeed as an entrepreneur, as an innovator, as a songwriter, or as another creative professional is the economic freedom promised by competitive markets.  That freedom is what the attorneys and economists at the Antitrust Division devote themselves to upholding.” 

“This week’s proceedings underscored that liberty in free markets is important to our country, and it’s important to the music industry.  As the Antitrust Division considers the appropriate path forward, we will strive to find the one that best supports this critical industry.”

The participants in the event included:

LeAnn Rimes
Pharrell Williams
Jon Bon Jovi
David Israelite, President and CEO, National Music Publishers’ Association (NMPA)
Michelle Lewis, Executive Director, Songwriters of North America (SONA)
Elizabeth Matthews, CEO, American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP)
Michael O’Neill, President and CEO, Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI)
The Honorable Gordon Smith, President and CEO, National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
Jackie Brenneman, General Counsel, National Association of Theatre Owners
Ted Cohen, Managing Partner, TAG Strategic
David Kokakis, Chief Counsel, Universal Music Publishing Group
Janet McHugh, Executive Director, TV Music License Committee
Mike Steinberg, Executive Vice President of Creative and Licensing, BMI
Danielle Aguirre, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, NMPA
Jordan Bromley, Board Member, Music Artists Coalition
Bart Herbison, Executive Director, Nashville Songwriters Association International
Clara Kim, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Business and Legal Affairs, ASCAP
Jack Kugell, Board Member, SONA
John Bodnovich, Executive Director, American Beverage Licensees
Peter Brodsky, General Counsel and Executive Vice President, Business Affairs, Sony/ATV Music Publishing
Rick Kaplan, General Counsel and Executive Vice President, Legal and Regulatory Affairs, NAB
Stuart Rosen, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, BMI
Tres Williams, Executive Vice President, Business Affairs, iHeartMedia, Inc.
Adam B. Jaffe, Brandeis University
Kevin M. Murphy, University of Chicago
A transcript and video of the proceedings will be available in the coming days on the workshop page, located at https://www.justice.gov/atr/events/public-workshop-competition-licensing-music-public-performance-rights.  Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim’s opening statement is available at here.

Source: Department of Justice; this site is made available by CHINA NEWS – 专业中文新闻稿发布

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