Statement on NSF’s commitment to secure, open international research collaboration

Press Statement 19-006

July 11, 2019

The National Science Foundation (NSF) contributes to our nation’s economic strength and national security through basic research. The Foundation is committed to sustaining the United States’ position as a global innovation leader. The values that have driven NSF and its global research partners for decades are openness, transparency, and reciprocal collaboration; these are essential for advancing the frontiers of knowledge.

Our science and engineering enterprise, however, is put at risk when other governments endeavor to benefit from the global research ecosystem without upholding these values. Faced with such a risk, NSF is responding with the following actions:

  • NSF has long required researchers to disclose all other sources of support, both foreign and domestic, and we are working to create a streamlined process to improve the reporting of that support. A clarification of our policy guidance for researchers on requirements to disclose foreign and domestic support is out for public comment right now to ensure researchers understand these requirements.
  • NSF wants to ensure expert input into issues related to open science and the security of science. Thus, the agency has commissioned the JASON advisory group to conduct a study this summer with a final report likely by the end of the calendar year. This study will recommend ways for NSF to better protect its merit review system and for grantee institutions to maintain balance between openness and security of scientific research.
  • NSF has also issued a policy stating that personnel employed at and IPAs detailed to NSF may not participate in foreign government talent recruitment programs that may jeopardize the integrity of NSF’s mission and operations.


Media Contacts

Public Affairs, NSF, (703) 292-7090, email:

The U.S. National Science Foundation propels the nation forward by advancing fundamental research in all fields of science and engineering. NSF supports research and people by providing facilities, instruments and funding to support their ingenuity and sustain the U.S. as a global leader in research and innovation. With a fiscal year 2020 budget of $8.3 billion, NSF funds reach all 50 states through grants to nearly 2,000 colleges, universities and institutions. Each year, NSF receives more than 40,000 competitive proposals and makes about 11,000 new awards. Those awards include support for cooperative research with industry, Arctic and Antarctic research and operations, and U.S. participation in international scientific efforts.

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Source: NSF News

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By Fenny

Senior Editor in Chief on Press Release Worldwide.

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