No exceptions against violations of anti-virus measures: President Moon Jae-in
Updated: 2021-07-19 17:12:21 KST

President Moon Jae-in has warned of stern action against anyone who violates the nation’s virus prevention measures.
Speaking at a meeting with his top aides on Monday, Moon said there are no exceptions or special rights when it comes to abiding by the rules.

“No one is exempt from or has special rights when it comes to anti-virus measures. Anyone who violates the regulations will be sternly and strictly held responsible for the sake of the majority who are abiding by the rules even if it’s difficult to do so.”

The president said that all efforts were being directed to turn the situation around highlighting the expanded testing, thorough contact tracing and tightened on-site inspections.
Moon added that the government will swiftly draw up vaccination plans for people under the age of 40.
He also pledged expanded support through the government’s extra budget for owners of small businesses who are facing further difficulties under the highest social distancing regulations.
Regarding the heatwave, Moon called on officials to operate an emergency response system and to step up support for the vulnerable.


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