Maryland MS-13 Program Leader Pleads Guilty in Federal Court to a Violent Racketeering Conspiracy, Including Attempted Murder
Jose Augustin Salmeron-Larios aka “Joseph Morales-Martinez,” “Angel Salvador Gutierrez,” “Yankee,” and “Kean,” 25, of Severn, Maryland, pleaded guilty today to a conspiracy to participate in a racketeering enterprise known as…
Stalled weather patterns will get bigger due to climate change
Research News Study uncovers relationship between jet stream, atmospheric blocking events November 21, 2019 Climate change will increase the size of stalled high-pressure weather systems called “blocking events,” which have…
Observing ‘black hole symphony’ using gravitational wave astronomy
Research News Scientists work to capture 4-to-10-year snapshots of intermediate-mass black hole activity November 21, 2019 Shrouded in mystery since their discovery, black holes continue to be mind-boggling enigmas in…
South Florida Pharmacist Convicted of Health Care Fraud for Role in $5 Million Compounding Pharmacy Scheme
A federal jury found a South Florida pharmacist guilty today of health care fraud for his role in a $5 million compounding pharmacy scheme. Assistant Attorney General Brian A. Benczkowski…
Using a smartphone to detect norovirus
Research News Researchers strike balance between sensitivity and affordability with gut-busting microbe November 21, 2019 A little bit of norovirus — the highly infectious microbe that causes about 20 million…
Sea fan corals face new threat in warming ocean: copper
Research News Sea fans with higher copper levels more easily succumb to disease December 2, 2019 For colorful, graceful sea fans swaying on coral reefs in the waters around Puerto…
Attorney General Sessions Delivers Remarks to the Largest Class of Immigration Judges in History for the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR)
Speaker: Source: Department of Justice. This site is made available by China PR Agency – Professional Chinese Press Release Distribution service, Great China and Asia PR service provider. 【专业中文新闻稿发布,大中华地区及亚洲网络公关服务商】。
Grid reliability under climate change may require more power generation capacity
Research News New study reveals the importance of climate-water impacts in electric grid planning December 2, 2019 NSF-funded researchers are using a new modeling approach for infrastructure planning of a…