Study reveals new patterns of key ocean nutrient
Research News Researchers measure ocean phosphate, develop more accurate dataset September 9, 2019 The nutrient phosphate may be less abundant in the global ocean than previously thought, according to a…
IRS Employee Pleads Guilty to Identity Theft
An Atlanta, Georgia resident pleaded guilty today to one count of aggravated identity theft for her role in a stolen identity refund fraud scheme, announced Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General…
New sensors to monitor storm surge on bridges
Research News Engineering team working toward early warning system for bridge collapse September 10, 2019 A University of Florida team is starting to gather real-time data on the impact of…
Pres. Moon to come up with foundation to accomplish carbon neutrality by 2050 during remainder of his term Updated: 2020-11-27 17:02:25 KST
President Moon Jae-in is establishing a committee involving both the private sector and the government to focus on creating a carbon neutral country by 2050. He will also appoint a…
Salt marshes’ capacity to store carbon may be threatened by nitrogen pollution
Research News Research suggests abundant nitrate increases microbes’ capacity for carbon dioxide release September 12, 2019 Deep in the waterlogged peat of salt marshes, carbon is stored at much greater…
Real Estate Investor Pleads Guilty to Bid Rigging at Online Auctions
Real estate investor Christopher Graeve pleaded guilty today in West Palm Beach, in connection with an ongoing investigation into bid rigging at online public foreclosure auctions in Florida, the Department…
Extinction of Icelandic walrus coincides with Norse settlement
Research News Scientists used ancient DNA to show the past existence of the walrus September 17, 2019 Scientists used ancient DNA analyses and carbon-14 dating to demonstrate the past existence…
Some Medications and Driving Don’t Mix | FDA News
If you are taking a medication, is it OK to drive? Most likely, yes. But the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises that it’s best to be absolutely sure before…