Category: News

					Moon calls for exceptional measures for economic revitalization, virus prevention
					President Moon Jae-in is calling on the government to prepare for all possible scenarios, highlighting the need for exceptional virus prevention and economic revitalization efforts.
At a Cabinet meeting Tuesday, Pres…
						2020-08-25 10:03:39 KST

01:15 Moon calls for exceptional measures for economic revitalization, virus prevention President Moon Jae-in is calling on the government to prepare for all possible scenarios, highlighting the need for exceptional virus prevention and economic revitalization efforts. At a Cabinet meeting Tuesday, Pres… 2020-08-25 10:03:39 KST

01:15 Moon calls for exceptional measures for economic revitalization, virus prevention President Moon Jae-in is calling on the government to prepare for all possible scenarios, highlighting the need for exceptional…