Video: Biologist Sean B. Carroll on ecosystem resilience
Research News Nature can recover from damage, and some species can have ‘cascading effects’ on others June 29, 2017 The scientific world can be a complex place, populated by numerous…
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Research News Nature can recover from damage, and some species can have ‘cascading effects’ on others June 29, 2017 The scientific world can be a complex place, populated by numerous…
Research News Researchers at NSF Critical Zone Observatory and Long-Term Ecological Research sites are finding out. July 11, 2017 Find related stories on NSF’s Critical Zone Observatory Sites. Find related…
Research News Brain activity in the visual cortex aligns to rhythms of hands in sign language, new research shows July 14, 2017 From an outside perspective, understanding a spoken language…
Research News In a season of fast-spreading western U.S. and Canada fires, information is timely July 20, 2017 Find related stories on NSF’s geosciences risk and resilience interest area. Scientists…
Is the coast clear? Not in many beachfront areas Source: NSF News Brought to you by China News
Research News Sharks defend seagrasses from overgrazing by dugongs, sea turtles, other species July 26, 2017 Sharks, marine scientists say, are often misunderstood, described as ravenous man-eaters. But researchers have…
Research News NSF-produced audio documentary envisions future where scientists can predict how cells, brains, bodies and biomes will react to changing environments August 8, 2017 Listen to the Rules of…
Research News Research investigating the evolution of the human brain may inform therapeutic advances for humans August 18, 2017 As a part of their research to understand the evolution of…